Holy Wisdom Orthodox Mission
1355 North 4th Street • Grand Junction, CO 81501
(On the corner of North 4th Street & Kennedy Street)

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Liturgical Resources Needed to Assemble the Propers

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“Propers” – The Variable Parts of the Divine Services

Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Liturgical Rubrics 2025
St Tikhon Monastery Rubrics

Texts for Liturgical Services
from OCA.org
Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast – Of saint John Klimakos
March 30, 2025

Liturgical Rubrics 2025
St Tikhon Monastery Rubrics

Order of Services
from OCA.org

Texts for Liturgical Services
from OCA.org

Music Downloads
from OCA.org
Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Liturgical Rubrics 2025
St Tikhon Monastery Rubrics

Texts for Liturgical Services
from OCA.org

How to Assemble the Propers

The “variable parts” – or “Propers” – of the Divine Services are determined by numerous factors, including the liturgical season, the date, and the day of the week. These are found in various different liturgical volumes, and the task may seem daunting. The following steps are offered simplify assist in this effort.

Before you start...
Each Orthodox Church tradition has slightly varying “rules” for putting together, or “assembling,” the propers. These rules are printed in a liturgical book known as the “Typikón.” The instructions it contains are referred to as “Rubrics.” The “Typikón” for the Orthodox Church in America is effectively provided in a volume titled “Order of the Divine Services.”

Another very useful volume is “An Abridged Typikón.” This volume is exactly what the title states, excerpts from the Typikón for certain Feasts and seasons. It is especially useful during Holy Week.

Note: The liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church in America was received from the clergy of the Russian Mission to Alaska and North America who first brought the Orthodox Christian faith to the New World in the 18th century. Logically the Slavic Typikón continues to be followed.

Broadly speaking, there are two primary liturgical traditions in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. These might be labeled “Byzantine” and “Slavic.” Both of derive from monastery Typikóns. The “Byzantine” from the Studion Monastery in Constantinople, and the “Slavic” from the Saint Savvas Monastery in the Palestinian desert.

To assist clergy and chanters in parishes of the Orthodox Church in America, the Rubrics from the Typikón as applied to each day of the year are provided in two sources.

Liturgical Rubrics for the Year of the Lord (Year). Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania publishes this annual volume. Strictly speaking, it specifies the order of services as followed in the Monastery church throughout the year. Insofar as the practices in Slavic-tradition monasteries and parishes are very similar, this volume, Liturgical Rubrics, is an excellent and primary source used in OCA parishes.

The Order of Upcoming Services. This website, published by the Orthodox Church in America, is a primary source of guidance for Slavic tradition parishes in the OCA. It is the one place where the verses sung at the Beatitudes on Sundays can be found.

Step One
The “Liturgical Rubrics” and/or “The Order of Upcoming Services are needed to determine the Propers needed on any given Sunday or Feastday.

Open the Rubrics to the the date of the Divine Service being considered.

Download the “The Order of Upcoming Services” for the the date of the Divine Service being considered.

Step Two
Download the Texts for Liturgical Services for the Divine Services.

Step Three
Download sheet music from Music Downloads.

Additional sheet music can be found at the following web sites:

Step Four
Other Liturgical materials for the Divine Services can be accessed at: