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Holy Wisdom Orthodox Mission
1355 North 4th Street • Grand Junction, CO 81501
(On the corner of North 4th Street & Kennedy Street) • 970-778-4160
A mission parish of the Orthodox Church in America , and the Diocese of the West
Father Luke Uhl, Interim Rector
Come and see! The Orthodox Faith Bulletins & Calendars Personal Prayer     Worship     Our Clergy Parish Council Photos
The 1st-Century Christian Church for 21st-Century America!
Welcome! Come worship with us according to the ancient Apostolic Orthodox Christian tradition!

Preach the truth in love!

“...the faith which was once for all
delivered to the saints...” Jude 3:3
Sunday Worship Services:
Saturday Evening: Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday Morning: Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am

Weekday Worship Services:
Wednesday Evening: Paraklesis at 6:00 pm
(Feast Days: As scheduled – see calendar)
Help us preach the Gospel!

Our parish is supported
100% by freewill offerings.

Come worship God with us!

You are always welcome to visit! Come and see! Pray and worship God with us!  Read more...

Where is our church located?
On the corner of North 4th & Kennedy Streets.

You are cordially invited to join us at our humble church, located at 1355 North 4th Street.

Click on map...

What time are our weekend worship services?
On Sunday morning at 9:30 am.

The principal, weekly Orthodox worship service is called the “Divine Liturgy” (the “Holy Eucharist”) on Sunday morning.

The Divine Liturgy is the culmination of a cycle of worship services that include Vespers and the Hours. Our weekend schedule is:
Saturday Evening: Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday Morning: Hours at 9:05 am • Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am.

What is our worship service like?
Our worship is Biblical, liturgical, and sacramental.

Orthodox worship services consist of Psalms, Scripture readings, and prayers. They typically include a homily (sermon) or an instructional talk.  What to expect...

Our order of worship (“liturgy”) is the same as that followed by the Apostles and first-century Christians. We participate in seven, principal “Sacraments” including Baptism and Holy Communion.  Read more...

Archbishop Benjamin with a few of our Parishioners

Why is our parish named “Holy Wisdom”?
After Jesus Christ, “the Wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Whereas all Orthodox churches are constructed to glorify God, most are named to memorialize a great event in the life of our Lord or to commemorate a Great Saint. Very few, however, are named after our Savior Jesus Christ and, when they are, the name chosen is an attribute of Christ. The name of our parish, “Holy Wisdom,” is taken from 1 Corinthians 1:24, 30.  Read more...

12 things I wish I’d known ...
...before my first visit to an Orthodox Church.

Orthodox worship is ancient and traditional! Before visiting an Orthodox church for the first time, you might enjoy reading the article “12 Things I Wish I’d Known” by Frederica Mathewes-Green, a helpful (and sometimes humorous) guide, answering some of the common questions that visitors often have on their first visit.

What is our church parish like?
We are a small and growing mission community!

If you are an Orthodox Christian looking for a parish, we are a lovely community to join.

If you are looking for a traditional Christian Church, come and see!

If you are interested in, or curious about, the Orthodox faith, you are most welcome to visit us.

Should you wish to become an Orthodox Christian our priest and parish will gladly teach you.

Most of us are converts from Roman Catholic and Protestant backgrounds, a few of us were born into the Orthodox Church, and some are individuals exploring the Orthodox Faith.

All our services are in English. We do follow the ancient Christian traditions in life and worship, and our community is very welcoming.

We are an American Church: the “Orthodox Church in America” (referred to as the “OCA”).

Note: The non-OCA churches in the US are part of foreign Churches. For example a Greek Orthodox Church is under the Ecumenical Patriarchate: a Greek patriarchate in Istanbul, Turkey. The OCA is in communion with Orthodox Churches worldwide, but uniquely in the US the OCA parishes – such as Holy Wisdom Mission – have no foreign allegiance.

I’ve never heard of the Orthodox Church; What is it?
It is the 2,000-year old Christian Church.

Extending over two millenia, the history of Orthodox Christianity is very rich. Its beliefs and its structure have remained consistent and true to the New Testament Apostolic tradition throughout the centuries.  Read more...

Is the Orthodox Church very large?
It is the second-largest Christian Church in the world.

Orthodox Christians comprise approximately 3.8% of the world population, and about 0.5% of the US population. In comparison, Roman Catholics comprise 17.4% of the World population, and 20.8% of the US population.  Read more...

What is the history of Orthodox Christianity in America?
Orthodox Christianity in the world began on Pentecost, AD 33.
Orthodox Christianity in America began in AD 1794.

The Orthodox Christian presence in North America began in 1794 when eight missionaries arrived in Kodiak, Alaska. They had traveled 7,300 miles in 293 days by foot, horse, boat, and ship from Valaamo Monastery in Karelia.

As Orthodox Christian missionaries preached from Alaska south into northern California, many Native Americans were led by the Holy Spirit to the Orthodox Christian faith, and in 1840 a diocese was established in Sitka, Alaska. After the 1867 purchase of Alaska by the United States, the Diocesan see was transferred in 1872 to San Francisco and in 1905 it was moved to New York City.

From both San Francisco and New York, dedicated and saintly bishops oversaw continuing mission activities and the establishment of new parishes to serve all Orthodox Christians throughout North America.

Throughout the first half of the 20th century, the Orthodox bishops in the United States and Canada functioned as a “metropolia” or “metropolitanate” an ecclesiastical region which is a kind of very large and expansive geographic diocese. In 1970 it was formally established as the autocephalous Orthodox Church in America with permanent ecclesiastical status.

Most significantly for Orthodox Christianity in America, the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) is the direct, canonical, continuation of the initial Orthodox missionary effort to this land and our American nation.

This is wonderfully expressed by our diocesan hierarch, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West, in a video that can be accessed here.

And our Holy Wisdom Orthodox Mission in Grand Junction, Colorado is an integral part of that evangelical tradition, reaching out to all people seeking the historic Christian Church in Mesa County and beyond.

Is Orthodox Christianity an American Church for all people?
Yes, indeed! The OCA is an English-speaking American Church.

As one of the many worldwide autocephalous Orthodox Churches, the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) provides Orthodox American Christians with an ecclesiological jurisdiction without any reference to ethnic origin and without need for dependence upon foreign interests.

Thus, in accord with ancient historical practice dating from the fourth century, the principal Diocesan See of the OCA is the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. located in the capitol of our United States.

All the other Orthodox parishes in America – Greek, Antiochian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, Ukrainian, etc. – were established to serve immigrant communities which arrived from Eastern European and Mediterranean nations in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Until the 1920s, these parishes and their clergy were under the canonical ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the San Francisco and New York diocesan sees. At that time, they formed into separate, “ethnic,” jurisdictions.

The various Orthodox jurisdictions continue to exist today as canonically “foreign” dioceses in America, and their local parishes principally serve the descendants of the early emigrés. Many of their clergy and most of their lay leadership consist of ethnic Americans, born here or naturalized. To varying degrees the parishes do welcome converts to the Orthodox faith who wish to worship practice according to their ethnic norms and traditions.

Nonetheless, Orthodox unity in faith, traditions, Sacraments, and practice remain unaltered. All Orthodox in America remain in full communion, and an Assembly of Bishops has been established to facilitate the restoration of a common canonical administrative structure.  Read more...

Are there any canonized American Orthodox Saints?
Canonized Saints who lived and labored in North American from the 18th through 20th centuries include:

Saint Juvenal, the Protomartyr of America, +1796
Martyr Peter the Aleut of Alaska, America, and San Francisco, +1815
Venerable Herman of Alaska, Wonder Worker of All America, +1837
Saint Jacob (Netsvetov), Enlightener of the Peoples of Alaska, +1864
Saint Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts, Apostle to the Americas, +1879
Saint Alexis (Toth), Confessor & Defender of Orthodoxy in America, +1909
Saint Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn, +1915
Saint John Kochurov, Hieromartyr, Missionary in America, First Clergy Martyr of the Russian Revolution, +1918
Saint Alexander (Hotovitzky), Missionary to America and Hieromartyr under the Bolshevik Yoke, +1918
Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, Enlightener of North America, +1925
Saint Mardarije (Uskokovic) of Libertyville, +1935
Hieromartyr Seraphim (Samoilovich) Archbishop of Uglich, Rector in Sitka, AK, +1937
Venerable Sebastian (Dabovich) of Jackson, CA, +1940
New Martyr Archpriest Vasily (Martysz), +1945
Archimandrite Alexei (Kabalyuk), +1947
Archbishop Nikolai (Velimirovitch) of Zhicha, +1956
Holy New Confessor Varnava (Nastic), Bishop of Hvosno, +1964
Archbishop John (Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco), +1966
Saint Olga of Alaska, +1979

What do Orthodox Christians believe?
The Nicene Creed summarizes our beliefs:

Click here to read the full text of the Nicene Creed, provided both in its original Koiné Greek (as it was written at the First and Second Ecumenical Councils in AD 325 and 381, respectively), as well as in English as we recite it today.

We believe in one God, the Holy Trinity of three Hypostases (or Persons):
   The Father: the Creator of all things,
   The Son: through Whom all things are made,
   The Holy Spirit: the Lord and Giver of life.

We believe in one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church:
   One: The same worldwide for all of its 264 million adherents.
   Holy: The Body of Christ.
   Catholic: For all people, at all times, in every age and place.
   Apostolic: The faith of the New Testament Christian church.

Orthodox Christianity is the exact faith taught by Christ, preached by the Apostles, and maintained faithfully, unaltered, and unadulterated for the past 2,000 years.  Read more...

We believe the Orthodox Church has preserved and taught the historic Christian faith from the time of the Apostles.

Orthodoxy is the faith passed on to the apostles by Jesus Christ, the “faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). We believe God revealed Himself to us through Jesus Christ, the “Son of God who became the Son of Man.”

We believe the timeless faith of Orthodox Christianity leads to the fullest life.

It is impossible to truly know Christ apart from the Church. When doubt threatens to submerge your faith, you can turn to the pillars on which your faith is founded. Orthodoxy can be so much more than attending church on Sunday. We’re surrounded by so many contradictory messages about what will make us happy, or what is “good” or “right,” but the only real constant is God.

We believe Jesus forgives our sins through the sacramental power given to the Church (cf. John 20:23).

This power was first given to the Apostles, then to their successors, the bishops and priests – right down to the present day. Jesus told them: “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20:22-23). Forgiveness is reconciliation with Christ and all mankind.

We believe in the Scriptures which are based in the Holy Tradition of the Church.

Because we revere the Scriptures as the word of God, our prayers and services consist primarily of quotations from the Bible and readings from the Bible. We believe that the Orthodox Church is the guardian and interpreter of the Scriptures, which are “a valuable witness to God’s revelation.”

We believe God transcends the bounds of reason: He is ineffable.

Orthodoxy recognizes the supreme majesty of God and the limitations of the human mind. Orthodoxy embraces the transcendent mystery of God and mystery of the Holy Trinity, which can never be fully comprehended.

We believe that Jesus Christ is God. He is the Word, the Son of the Father, Who became man, Who died on the Cross, and Who is resurrected on the third day for our salvation.

There are four Orthodox Parishes on the Western Slope of Colorado: you are Welcome at all!
We are in full communion with one another, as well as with Orthodox churches and 350 million Orthodox Christians worldwide.
Saint Andrew Orthodox Church
Reverend Gregory Matlak
298 Bert Street
Delta, Co 81416
Holy Wisdom Orthodox Mission
Very Reverend Luke Uhl
1355 North 4th Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Montrose Orthodox Mission
Reverend Joseph Sharman
Mailing: 1918 Sara E Lane
Montrose, Colorado 81401-5275
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Reverend Jeremy Troy
3585 North 12th Street
Grand Junction, CO 81506

The Orthodox Christian Church today continues the unchanged faith and life of the New Testament Church.
It is the one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church. It is the New Testament Church.
The gates of Hades have not prevailed, and will not prevail, against it.