The Law of God
By Father Seraphim Slobodskoy
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Part II. Prayers
Short Prayers.
1. Short Prayers.
Every Orthodox Christian is
obliged to pray every day, morning and evening, before and after eating, before
and after work, before and after lessons, etc.
In the
morning we pray in order to thank God that He has kept us through the night, and
to ask for His Fatherly blessing and help for the day that is beginning.
In the
evening, before going to sleep, we also give thanks to the Lord for the day that
has successfully concluded and we ask Him to keep us during the night.
In order
to do our work successfully and safely we also, before all else, should ask God
to bless and assist the work that lies before us, and upon finishing, to give thanks
to God.
For the
expression of our feelings to God and to His holy saints, the Church has given us
different prayers. Here are some which are most commonly used:
In the
name — by the name, to the honor, to the
glory; amen — in truth, truly, let it be so, so be it.
This prayer
is called the beginning prayer, because we say it before all the other prayers when
we begin to pray.
In it we
ask God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, that is the All-holy Trinity,
invisibly to bless us by His name for the work that is before us.
Questions: What is this prayer called? Whom do we call upon in this
prayer? What do we want when we say the prayer: “In the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”? What is the meaning of “Amen?”
Bless, O Lord!
We say
this prayer at the beginning of all work.
Question: What do we ask for in this prayer?
Lord, Have Mercy!
mercy — be merciful, forgive.
This is
an ancient prayer and is used by all Christians. Even a little child can easily
remember it. We say it when we remember our sins. For the glory of the Holy Trinity,
we Christians say this prayer three times. We also say it twelve times, asking for
God’s blessing on every hour of the day and night, and we also say it forty times,
for the sanctification of our entire life.
Prayer of Praise to the Lord God.
Glory To Thee, Our God, Glory To Thee.
Glory — praise.
In this
prayer, we do not ask God for anything, but only glorify Him. We can also say a
shorter prayer: GLORY TO GOD. We say this prayer at the end of work, as a
sign of our thankfulness to God for His mercy to us.
The Prayer of the Publican.
God Be Merciful To Me A Sinner.
This is
the prayer of the publican (tax collector) who repented of his sins and received
forgiveness. It is taken from the parable of the Saviour which He once told people
for their instruction. Here is the parable. Two men went to the Temple to pray.
One of them was a pharisee, the other a publican. The pharisee stood in front of
everyone and prayed to God in this way: “I give Thee thanks, O God, that I am
not such a sinful person as that publican. I give a tenth of my possessions to the
poor, I fast twice a week.” But the publican, realizing that he was a sinner,
stood at the entrance to the Temple and did not even dare to lift his eyes to Heaven.
He struck himself on the breast and said: “God be merciful to me a sinner!” The
prayer of the publican was more acceptable and pleasing to God than that of the
proud pharisee because the publican was humble and remembered to ask for forgiveness.
Questions: What is this prayer called? From where is it taken? Recount
this parable. Why was the prayer of the publican more pleasing to God than that
of the pharisee?
The Jesus Prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner!
This prayer
contains the whole message of Christianity within it. It is directed to our Saviour
Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as the Son of God and humbly asking His mercy upon
us. We should try to repeat this prayer at all times, for it brings great benefit
to the soul.
Another Prayer to the Lord Jesus.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Through The Prayers Of
Thy Most Pure Mother And All The Saints, Have Mercy On Us. Amen.
mercy on us — be merciful to us, forgive
us. Jesus — Saviour; Christ — the Anointed; through the prayers
— for the sake of the prayers, or in answer to the prayers.
Jesus Christ
is the Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity. As Son of God, He is our
True God, as is God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
We call
Him Jesus, which means Saviour, because He saved us from sins and eternal
death. For this, He, being the Son of God, dwelt in the all-immaculate Virgin Mary,
and in His incarnation through the Holy Spirit, took flesh and became man of
Her. That is, He accepted a human body and soul — He was born of the
Most-holy Virgin Mary, became the same kind of man as we are, except that He was
without sin — He became God-man. And instead of us suffering and being tormented
for our sins, He, out of love for us sinners, suffered for us, died on the Cross,
and on the third day He rose, conquering sin and death, and He gave us eternal life.
our sinfulness and not relying on the power of our own prayers, in this prayer we
ask all the saints and the Mother of God, Who has special grace to save us sinners
by Her intercession for us before Her Son, to pray for us sinners before our Saviour.
Our Saviour
is called Christ, the Anointed One, because He had in full measure those gifts of
the Holy Spirit, which were given to the kings, prophets, and high priests in the
Old Testament by anointing. Anointed also signifies the Lord’s divine mission of
Questions: Who is the Son of God? What else do we also call Him?
Why do we call Him Saviour? How did He accomplish our salvation?
Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
O Heavenly
King, Comforter, Spirit Of Truth, Who Art Everywhere Present And Fillest All Things,
Treasury Of Good Things And Giver Of Life. Come And Dwell In Us, And Cleanse Us
Of All Impurity, And Save Our Souls, O Good One.
In this
prayer we pray to the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity.
In it we
call the Holy Spirit Heavenly King, because He, as true God, equal to God
the Father and God the Son, invisibly reigns over us, is over us and over the whole
world. We call Him Comforter, because He comforts us in our sorrows and misfortunes,
as He comforted the Apostles on the tenth day after the ascension of Jesus Christ
into Heaven.
We call
Him Spirit of truth (as our Saviour Himself called Him), because He, as the
Holy Spirit, teaches all of us only truth and righteousness, only what is beneficial
for us and serves for our salvation.
He is God,
He is everywhere present and fills all things with Himself; Who art everywhere
present and fillest all things. He, as the ruler of the entire world, sees all
things and, where something is needed, He gives it. He is the Treasury of good
things, that is, the keeper of all good works, the source of everything good
that we could ever need.
We call
the Holy Spirit the Giver of life, because all that lives and moves in the
world does so by the Holy Spirit. That is, everything receives life from Him; especially
people receive spiritual life from Him, holy and eternal life beyond the grave,
being cleansed by Him of their sins.
Since the
Holy Spirit has such marvelous qualities — is present everywhere, fills all things
with His Grace and gives life to all — we turn to Him with special requests: come
and dwell in us, that is, constantly abide in us, as in His temple; cleanse
us of all impurity, that is, of sin; make us holy, worthy of His abiding within
us. Save our souls, O Good One from sins and those punishments which follow
for sins, and by this grant us the Kingdom of Heaven.
Questions: Whom do we address in this prayer? Which person of the
Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit? What is He called in this prayer? Why is He called
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, Who is everywhere present, and Who fillest
all things? What do we ask Him for? What does this mean: “Come and dwell in us and
cleanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One”?
The Angelic Hymn to the Most-holy Trinity,
or, the “Trisagion.”
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have Mercy On Us.
Mighty — powerful; Immortal — never dying, eternal.
This prayer
is to be repeated three times in honor of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity.
It is called
the Angelic Hymn, because the holy angels sing it as they surround the Throne
of God in Heaven. People who believe in Christ began to use this prayer some four
hundred years after the Birth of Christ. In Constantinople there was a tremendous
earthquake that destroyed homes and other buildings. The frightened King, Theodosius
II, and the people turned to God with prayer. During this general prayer, a certain
pious youth in sight of all was lifted up to Heaven by an invisible force, and then
by the same invisible force let down again to earth. He told the people around him
what he heard in Heaven, how the angels were singing: Holy God, Holy Mighty,
Holy Immortal. The people, moved to compunction, repeated this prayer and added:
have mercy on us, and the earthquake stopped.
In this
prayer, we call the first Person of the Holy Trinity God, that is God the
Father; mighty is God the Son, because He is also almighty, as is God the
Father, even though as a man He suffered and died; immortal is the Holy Spirit,
because He not only is eternal as is the Father and the Son, but He grants life
to all creatures and eternal life to people.
Since in
this prayer the word holy is repeated three times, it is also called the
Thrice Holy or Trisagion Hymn.
Questions: Whom do we address in this prayer? How many times should
we repeat it? What is it called? Why is it called the angelic prayer? What do we
know about the origin of this prayer? Why is it also called the “Thrice-holy?”
Doxology of the Holy Trinity.
To The Father, And To The Son, And To The Holy Spirit, Both Now And Ever, And Unto
The Ages Of Ages. Amen.
In this
prayer we do not ask anything of God, but only glorify Him Who appears to men in
three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to Whom there belongs, both now and
eternally, the same honor of glorification.
Question: Whom do we glorify or praise in this prayer?
Prayer to the Most-holy Trinity.
O Most-Holy
Trinity, Have Mercy On Us. O Lord, Blot Out Our Sins. O Master, Pardon Our Iniquities.
O Holy One, Visit And Heal Our Infirmities For Thy Name’s Sake.
holy — holy in the highest degree; Trinity
— the three Persons of God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;
sins and iniquities — our deeds that are against the will of God; heal
— make well; infirmities — weaknesses, sins; for Thy name’s sake —
for the glorification of Thy name.
This prayer
is a prayer of petition. In it we turn first to all the three Persons together,
and then to each Person of the Trinity separately: to God the Father, that He might
cleanse our sins; to God the Son, that He might forgive our iniquities; to God the
Holy Spirit that He might visit and heal our infirmities.
The words:
for Thy name’s sake again apply to all three Persons of the Holy Trinity
together, and just as God is One, so also His name is one, and therefore we say
“for Thy name’s sake” and not “for Thy names’ sakes.”
Questions: What kind of prayer is this? Whom do we address in it?
What do the words mean: “blot out our sins, pardon our iniquities, visit and heal
our infirmities?” To Whom do we turn when we say: “for Thy name’s sake?” What do
these words mean?
The Lord’s Prayer.
Father, Who Art In The Heavens,
1. Hallowed
Be Thy Name.
2. Thy
Kingdom Come.
3. Thy
Will Be Done, On Earth, As It Is In Heaven.
4. Give
Us This Day Our Daily Bread.
5. And
Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors.
6. And
Lead Us Not Into Temptation.
7. But
Deliver Us From The Evil One.
Thine Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Of The Father, And Of The Son,
And Of The Holy Spirit, Now And Ever, And Unto The Ages Of Ages. Amen.
This prayer
is called the Lord’s prayer, because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it
to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Therefore, this
prayer is most important for everyone.
In this
prayer we address God the Father, the first Person of the Holy Trinity.
It is divided
into an address, seven petitions, or seven requests, and a doxology.
address: OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN THE HEAVENS. By these words we call on God, and calling Him the Heavenly Father, we
call on Him to hear our requests or petitions.
When we
say that He is in the Heavens, then we must understand the spiritual, invisible
Heavens, and not the visible, blue vault that is stretched out above us and which
we call “heaven.”
petition: HALLOWED BE THY NAME, that is,
help us live in righteousness and holiness and by our holy deeds to glorify Thy
THY KINGDOM COME, that is, make us worthy
even here on the earth of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, which is righteousness, love
and peace. Reign over us and rule us.
THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, that is, may everything be not as we want but as is pleasing
to Thee, and help us to submit to this, Thy will, and to fulfill it on the earth
just as obediently, without complaining, as the holy angels fulfill it in Heaven,
with love and joy. Thou alone knowest what is useful and needful for us, and desirest
good for us, more than we ourselves.
is grant us on this day, for today, our daily bread. By the word “bread” here we
mean all that is necessary for our earthly life: food, clothing, a dwelling, but
most important of all, the all pure Body and precious Blood in the Mystery of Holy
Communion, without which there is not any salvation or eternal life.
The Lord
commanded us to ask not for wealth nor luxury, but only for the essential things,
and to hope in God for all things, remembering that He, as a Father, is attentive
and cares for us.
AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS, that is, forgive us our sins just as we forgive those
who wrong or hurt us.
In this
petition, our sins are called “our debts,” because the Lord gave us the strength
and ability in order to do good deeds, but we often use them for sin and evil and
become “debtors” before God. We are constantly in debt to God. And so, if we ourselves
will not sincerely forgive our “debtors,” that is, people who have committed sins
against us, then God will not forgive us. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us
about this.
is the state when someone or something tries to get us to commit a sin, attempts
to get us to do something wrong or foolish. Here we ask: do not let us fall into
temptations which we cannot overcome; help us to overcome temptations that come
to us.
is, deliver us from every evil in this world and from the father of evil, from the
Devil, who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this conniving, evil power
and its deceptions, which are nothing before Thee.
For unto
Thee, our God, the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, belong the kingdom and the power
and eternal glory. All this is right, truly so.
Questions: Why is this called the Lord’s prayer? Whom do we address
in this prayer? How is it divided? What does it mean: “Who art in the Heavens”?
Explain the petitions: 1st, “Hallowed be Thy Name;” 2nd, “Thy Kingdom come;” 3rd,
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven;” 4th, “give us this day our daily
bread;” 5th, “And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors;” 6th, “And lead
us not into temptation;” 7th, “But deliver us from the evil one.” What does the
word “amen” mean?
The Angelic Salutation to the Mother of God.
O Theotokos
And Virgin, Rejoice, Mary, Full Of Grace, The Lord Is With Thee; Blessed Art Thou
Among Women, And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb, For Thou Hast Borne The Saviour
Of Our Souls.
— the Birthgiver of God (Who gave birth
to God); full of grace — filled with the Grace of the Holy Spirit; blessed
— glofified or worthy of glorification; the fruit of Thy womb — He who
was born of Thee, Jesus Crist.
This is
a prayer to the Most-holy Theotokos, Whom we call full of Grace, that is, filled
with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and blessed above all women, because from Her
our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was so pleased to be born.
This prayer
is also called the angelic greeting, because in it are the words of the angel (Archangel
Gabriel): Rejoice, Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee: blessed art Thou
among women, which he said to the Virgin Mary when he appeared to Her in the
city of Nazareth, announcing to Her the great joy, that of Her the Saviour of the
world would be born. Also blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit
of Thy womb was spoken to the Virgin Mary by the righteous Elizabeth, the mother
of John the Baptist, when she met with Her.
The Virgin
Mary is called Theotokos or “Birthgiver of God,” because Jesus Christ, Who
was born from Her, is true God.
She is
called virgin, because She was a Virgin before the birth of Christ, at the
birth and after the birth, for She had given a vow to God not to be married, and
She remained forever Virgin, giving birth to Her Son by the Holy Spirit in a miraculous
Questions: To Whom do we pray when we say this prayer: “O Theotokos
and Virgin, rejoice?” What do we call the Virgin Mary in this prayer? What do these
words mean: “full of Grace,” and “blessed art thou among women?” How do we explain
the words: “for thou hast born the Saviour of our souls?” Why is this prayer called
the angelic greeting? What do these words mean: “Theotokos,” “Virgin?”
Hymn of Praise to the Theotokos.
It Is
Truly Meet To Bless Thee, The Theotokos, Ever-Blessed And Most-Blameless, And Mother
Of Our God. More Honorable Than The Cherubim, And Beyond Compare More Glorious Than
The Seraphim, Who Without Corruption Gavest Birth To God The Word, The Very Theotokos,
Thee Do We Magnify.
It is
truly meet — it is worthy, correct, proper;
in truth, in all righteousness; to bless thee — to beatify, to glorify Thee;
ever blessed — always having the highest joy, worthy of constant praise;
most-blameless — completely innocent, pure, holy; Cherubim and Seraphim
— the very highest angels who are closest to God; God the Word — Jesus Christ,
the Son of God (as He is called in the Holy Gospel); very — real, true.
In this
prayer, we praise the Theotokos as the Mother of our God, ever blessed and completely
pure, and we magnify her, saying that She in Her honor and glory excels even the
highest of the angels, the Cherubim and Seraphim; that is, the Mother of God in
Her perfection stands higher than all, not only people, but even the holy angels.
In a miraculous way, and without pain She gave birth to Jesus Christ, by the Holy
Spirit. Christ, Who became man through Her, is at the same time the Son of God come
down from Heaven, and therefore She is the true Birth-giver of God, the Theotokos.
Questions: Whom do we glorify in this prayer? How do we glorify
Her? What do these words mean: “ever-blessed, most-blameless, Mother of our God?”
What do these words mean: “More honorable than the Cherubim and beyond compare more
glorious than the Seraphim,” “…without corruption gavest birth to God the Word,”
“…very Theotokos,...?”
A Short Prayer to the Mother of God.
Most Holy Theotokos, Save Us!
In this
prayer we ask the Mother of God to save us sinners by Her holy prayers before Her
Son and our God.
Prayer to the Life-giving Cross.
O Lord, Thy People, And Bless Thine Inheritance, Grant Thou Victory To Orthodox
Christians Over Enemies, And By The Power Of Thy Cross, Do Thou Preserve Thy Commonwealth.
Bless — make happy, send mercy; Thine inheritance — what
belongs to Thee; Thy commonwealth — Thy home, that is, the society of the
truly faithful, among whom God invisibly dwells; by the power of Thy Cross, do
Thou preserve — protect by the power of Thy Cross.
In this
prayer we ask God to save us, His people, and to bless us with great mercies; that
He give victories to Orthodox Christians over their enemies and in general that
He protect us by the power of His Cross.
Questions: What is the prayer to the Cross? What do the words mean:
“Save, O Lord, Thy people?” “And bless Thine inheritance?” “Grant Thou victory to
Orthodox Christians over enemies?” “And by the power of Thy Cross do Thou preserve
Thy commonwealth?”
Prayer to the Guardian Angel.
O Angel
Of God, My Holy Guardian, Given By God From Heaven To Preserve Me, I Fervently Pray
Thee: Do Thou Enlighten Me Today, And Preserve Me From Every Evil, Direct Me In
Doing Good, And Guide Me On The Path Of Salvation. Amen.
God grants
to every Christian at his Baptism a Guardian Angel who invisibly guards a person
from every evil. Therefore, we must pray every day to the Guardian Angel to preserve
and have mercy on us.
Prayer to our Saint.
Unto God For Me, St. (Name), For I Fervently Flee Unto Thee, The Speedy Helper And
Intercessor For My Soul.
Apart from
prayer to the Guardian Angel, we must also pray to the saint whose name we bear
because he prays to God for us.
Every Christian,
as soon as he is born into God’s light at Holy Baptism, receives a saint
as his patron and protector in the Church. The patron saint cares for the newly-born
Christian like a most loving mother and preserves him from all misfortune and woe
which meet a person on earth.
We should
know when the yearly feast day of our patron saint (our “name’s day”) is
and know the story of the life of this saint. On our name day we should dedicate
the day to prayer in church and receive Holy Communion. If we cannot be in church
on that day for some reason, we should pray very fervently at home.
Prayer for the Living.
We must
think not only of ourselves but of others, love them and pray to God for them, because
we are all children of the same Heavenly Father. Such prayers are beneficial not
only to those whom we pray for, but also for ourselves, because we show love
for them in this way. The Lord told us that without love, no one can be a child
of God.
We must
pray for our homeland, for the land in which we live, for our spiritual father,
parents, benefactors, Orthodox Christians, and for all people, both for the living
and also for the reposed, because all men are alive before God (Luke
O Lord, And Have Mercy On My Spiritual Father (Name), My Parents (Names), My Relatives,
Teachers, Benefactors And All Orthodox Christians.
father — the priest to whom we go for
confession; benefactors — those who do good to us, who help us.
Prayer for the Reposed.
Rest, O Lord, To The Souls Of Thy Servants Who Have Fallen Asleep (Names) And All
My Relatives And Benefactors Who Have Fallen Asleep, And Forgive Them All Their
Sins, Both Voluntary And Involuntary, And Grant Them The Heavenly Kingdom.
rest — in a quiet place, that is, together
with the saints in the eternal, blessed dwelling; reposed — fallen asleep.
We refer to the dead in this way, because people are not destroyed after death,
but their souls are separated from the body and pass from this life into another
heavenly life. There they abide in the spiritual world until the time of the general
resurrection, which will occur at the second coming of the Son of God, when, according
to His word, the souls of the dead will again unite with the bodies; people will
come to life, will arise. Then each will receive according to what he deserves:
the righteous — the Kingdom of Heaven, blessed, eternal life; but the sinners —
eternal punishment.
sins — sins that were committed through
one’s own will; involuntary — committed unintentionally; heavenly kingdom
— eternal, blessed life with God.
Prayer Before Lessons.
O Most
Good Lord! Send Down Upon Us The Grace Of Thy Holy Spirit, Granting Us Understanding
And The Strengthening Of Our Mental Powers, That Attending To The Teaching Given
Us, We May Grow To The Glory Of Thee, Our Creator, To The Comfort Of Our Parents,
And To The Benefit Of The Church And Our Homeland.
good — most compassionate, gracious;
Grace of the Holy Spirit — the invisible power of the Holy Spirit; our mental
powers — our mental abilities (mind, heart, will); the church — the
society of all Orthodox Christians; homeland — the nation, the land where
we live.
This prayer
is directed to God the Father, Whom we call the Creator. In it we call upon Him
to send down the Holy Spirit, so that by His Grace He might strengthen the powers
of our soul (mind, heart, will) and so that we, listening with attention to the
teaching that is being put before us, might grow up to be devoted sons and daughters
of the Church and faithful servants of our homeland and a consolation for our parents.
of this prayer we can also use the prayer to the Holy Spirit, “O Heavenly King,”
before lessons.
Questions: What kind of prayer is this? To Whom is it directed?
What do we ask for in this prayer? What is the Church and our homeland?
Prayer After Lessons.
We Thank
Thee, O Creator, That Thou Hast Vouchsafed Us Thy Grace To Attend Instruction. Bless
Those In Authority Over Us, Our Parents And Instructors, Who Are Leading Us To An
Awareness Of Good, And Grant Us Power And Strength To Continue This Study.
thou has vouchsafed us — that Thou hast
found us worthy; of thy Grace — of Thy invisible help; to attend —
to listen and understand with attention; bless — send mercy; strength
— health, eagerness, energy.
This prayer
is to God the Father. In it we first give thanks to God that He sent His help so
that we might understand the teaching set before us. Then we ask Him for His mercy
towards those in authority over us, our parents and teachers, who give us the possibility
of learning everything good and useful and, in conclusion, we ask that He grant
us health and inclination so that we might continue our studies successfully.
of this prayer we can also say the prayer to the Mother of God, “It is truly meet,”
after lessons.
Questions: To Whom is this prayer directed? What do we thank God
for at the beginning? What do we ask for in this prayer?
Prayer Before Eating.
Eyes Of All Look To Thee With Hope And Thou Gavest Them Their Food In Due Season
Thou Openest Thy Hand And Fillest Every Living Thing With Thy Favour (Ps. 144:16-17).
In this
prayer we express trust that God will send us food at the proper time, as He grants
not only to people but to all living creatures all that is necessary for life.
of this prayer we can use the prayer of our Lord “Our Father” before eating.
Questions: To whom do we pray before eating? What do we express
in this prayer? How does God relate to living creatures?
Prayer After Eating.
We Thank
Thee, O Christ Our God, That Thou Hast Satisfied Us With Thine Earthly Gifts; Deprive
Us Not Of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, But As Thou Camest Among Thy Disciples, O Saviour,
And Gavest Them Peace, Come To Us And Save Us.
Satisfied — filled, nourished; earthly gifts — earthly good
things, that is, what we ate and drank at the table; Thy Heavenly Kingdom
— eternal blessedness, which the righteous are granted after death.
In this
prayer we give thanks to God that He has nourished us with food. We ask Him not
to deprive us after our death of eternal blessedness; we should always remember
this when we receive good things from the earth.
Questions: What prayer is used after eating? What do we thank God
for in this prayer? What do we mean by good things of the earth? What is called
the Kingdom of Heaven?
Morning Prayer.
Risen From Sleep, I Hasten To Thee, O Master, Lover Of Mankind, And By Thy Loving-Kindness,
I Strive To Do Thy Work, And I Pray To Thee: Help Me At All Times, In Everything,
And Deliver Me From Every Worldly, Evil Thing, And Every Impulse Of The Devil, And
Save Me, And Lead Me Into Thine Eternal Kingdom. For Thou Art My Creator, And The
Giver And Provider Of Everything Good, And In Thee Is All My Hope, And Unto Thee
Do I Send Up Glory, Now And Ever, And Unto The Ages Of Ages. Amen.
of mankind — lover of people; strive
to do — hurry, try to do; in everything — in every deed; worldly,
evil thing — evil of the world (deeds that are not good); impulse of the
Devil — the temptation of the devil (evil spirit), temptation to do wrong; provider
— the one who looks ahead, who provides, takes care.
Evening Prayer.
O Lord
Our God, As Thou Art Good And The Lover Of Mankind, Forgive Me Wherein I Have Sinned
Today In Word, Deed, Or Thought. Grant Me Peaceful And Undisturbed Sleep; Send Thy
Guardian Angel To Protect And Keep Me From All Evil. For Thou Art The Guardian Of
Our Souls And Bodies, And Unto Thee Do We Send Up Glory: To The Father, And To The
Son, And To The Holy Spirit, Now And Ever, And Unto The Ages Of Ages. Amen.
Holy Trinity Monastery 1993
Holy Trinity Orthodox Mission 2003
466 Foothill Blvd, Box 397, La Canada, Ca 91011
Editor: Bishop Alexander (Mileant)